IMDb Polls

Poll: Favorite Adèle Haenel Film

Adèle is a French actress who has achieved worldwide popularity with Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019). For reasons that will not be mentioned in this poll, Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) could be her last film because she has decided to quit acting in films.

Which of her films is your favorite?

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)

  2. Vote!

    120 BPM (2017)

  3. Vote!

    Water Lilies (2007)

  4. Vote!

    Le daim (2019)

  5. Vote!

    The Unknown Girl (2016)

  6. Vote!

    House of Tolerance (2011)

  7. Vote!

    Love at First Fight (2014)

  8. Vote!

    Nocturama (2016)

  9. Vote!

    The Trouble with You (2018)

  10. Vote!

    The Forbidden Room (2015)

  11. Vote!

    In the Name of My Daughter (2014)

  12. Vote!

    The Staple of News (2013)

  13. Vote!

    One Nation, One King (2018)

  14. Vote!

    The Devils (2002)

  15. Vote!

    Orphan (2016)

  16. Vote!

    The Bloom of Yesterday (2016)

  17. Vote!

    Ogres (2015)

  18. Vote!

    Three Worlds (2012)

  19. Vote!

    Aliyah (2012)

  20. Vote!

    Heroes Don't Die (2019)

  21. Vote!

    Heat Wave (2011)

  22. Vote!

    Returning to Reims (Fragments) (2021)

  23. Vote!

    Iris in Bloom (2011)

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