IMDb Polls

Poll: Climax for Breakfast

Well, it goes like men, there are 'night' movies and 'morning' movies...

Indeed, when it comes to dramas, nighttime is generally an ideal setting for climactic scenes as darkness emphasizes danger and allows violence to reach its highest point. Then, the sun can rise peacefully, lighting hopes for a brighter future...

But sometimes, the night plays the "quiet before the storm" part or let things escalate until they can finally implode at dawn, in the morning or let's just say a few hours before noon.

This is a compilation of memorable climactic scenes that take scene at a moment viewers can identify as the morning, either because it's shown or strongly implied (some pictures don't match in order to avoid spoiling the ending).

Not necessarily from your favorite film, which of these morning climaxes is your favorite?

After voting, you might discuss the list here

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, Louise Fletcher, and Peter Brocco in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

    The party's aftermath.
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    Alec Guinness and Sessue Hayakawa in The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

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    Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

    The secret...
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    The last ride.
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    Anthony Perkins and John Gavin in Psycho (1960)

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    Lee J. Cobb in On the Waterfront (1954)

    "Friendly" confrontation.
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    Danny Glover, Angus MacInnes, and Josef Sommer in Witness (1985)

    The Englishmen are coming!
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    Gene Hackman, William Friedkin, Roy Scheider, Eddie Egan, and Randy Jurgensen in The French Connection (1971)

    Popeye's here!
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    The Birds (1963)

    Let's get out of here.
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    American History X (1998)

    History repeats itself.
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    River Phoenix and Wil Wheaton in Stand by Me (1986)

    Nobody gets the body.
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    Edward Norton in 25th Hour (2002)

    Monty's last request.
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    George Kosana and Vincent D. Survinski in Night of the Living Dead (1968)

    Diabolus ex machina.
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    Your life is here.
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    Anthony Quinn, Dana Andrews, Jane Darwell, Stanley Andrews, Frank Conroy, Francis Ford, Rondo Hatton, and Marc Lawrence in The Ox-Bow Incident (1942)

    Lynch mob in action.
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    Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, and Susan Harrison in Sweet Smell of Success (1957)

    Now, she's growing up.
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    Samuel L. Jackson and Tim Roth in Pulp Fiction (1994)

    Pumpkin for breakfast.
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    Al Pacino in The Godfather (1972)

    Morning service for the family... and the Families.
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    Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future Part III (1990)

    The 8 o'clock to... 1985!
  20. Vote!

    Meryl Streep in Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

    Joanna's choice.

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