IMDb Polls

Poll: Best 'Star Trek' Movie Series Recasting

September 8th is Star Trek Day! September 8th, 2020, marks the 54th anniversary of the premiere of the original Star Trek television show. In commemoration, a poll to celebrate:

Which 'Star Trek' character, in comparison from the original cast to the most recent cast, do you think benefited the most (or was the least downgraded, if a Star Trek purist) from its recasting?

Discuss the topic here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Zachary Quinto in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: Spock

    Original Actor: Leonard Nimoy

    Reboot Actor: Zachary Quinto

  2. Vote!

    Simon Pegg in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: Montgomery "Scottie" Scott

    Original Actor: James Doohan

    Reboot Actor: Simon Pegg

  3. Vote!

    Anton Yelchin in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: Pavel Chekov

    Original Actor: Walter Koenig

    Reboot Actor: Anton Yelchin

  4. Vote!

    Karl Urban in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: Leonard "Bones" McCoy

    Original Actor: Deforest Kelly

    Reboot Actor: Karl Urban

  5. Vote!

    Zoe Saldana in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: Nyota Uhura

    Original Actress: Nichelle Nichols

    Reboot Actress: Zoe Saldana

  6. Vote!

    John Cho in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: Hikaru Sulu

    Original Actor: George Takei

    Reboot Actor: John Cho

  7. Vote!

    Chris Pine in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

    Character: James T. Kirk

    Original Actor: William Shatner

    Reboot Actor: Chris Pine

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