Where's Jackie Gleason?
17 September 2001
About the only positive I can come up with from this dinosaur is there are some reasonable good special effects for its time. Forbidden Planet is one of my favorite films--how this could have been seriously made is beyond me. At times, it's like "The Honeymooners Meet Captain Midnight." A large crew lives on a space station (the wheel). Several are being groomed to go on a lunar trip. Paul Drake (William Hopper) or whatever his name is brings the news. They are going to Mars. Suddenly the leader of the crew goes into a religious funk. He selects his crew, one of whom watches on TV as his bombshell girlfriend wishes him well, though her new boyfriend, Seymour, yells to her off screen to hurry up. This hand selected bunch are a pack of noodleheads who are right off a 50's sitcom--meanwhile fearless leader goes off his religious nut and tries to kill everyone, his son included.

One of the dumbest scenes is the chosen few, eating big nutrition pills while the rest of the crew pigs out on steak and potatoes. What waste of time. Of, course, they probably thought space travel was just a fad.
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