Review of Shenandoah

Shenandoah (1965)
Not the film for learning about the War between the States
1 December 1999
I purchased "Shenandoah" because I wanted to see how Hollywood portrayed the War between the States. As a Confederate reenactor, I have some familiarity with clothing, weapons, etc., for the 1861-1865 American War. Let me warn you, this is not the film to watch if you want to learn something about that war! Other reviewers have cited the preposterous train-jacking, and the inconceivable idea of having six grown men at home in 1864, years after the Confederate Congress passed conscription for all able-bodied white men 18 to 55. Other bothersome errors include the clothing. Men's shirts in 1864 were loose-fitting muslin with 3 buttons. The shirts James Stewart and the others wear in this 1965 film look exactly like the shirts my father wore to the office in 1965, except the open front seam is closed and replaced with 3 buttons. Didn't the film company clothing department even bother to look at period photographs? The haircuts are all vintage 1965, not 1865, as well. The worst error I saw is when "Boy Anderson" fires at the Yankees with a Trapdoor Springfield, a rifle that wasn't around until the 1870s. If you want to learn anything about the War between the States, get a book.
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