Spider-Man (1967–1970)
It may have been cheap, but what's changed?
4 December 2002
Yeah, ARP were cheap and probably had little regard for their audience - but really, what's changed? Animators like Chuck Jones may have poured their souls into their work, but the execs still treated their work as 'just another product'. One of them (just can't recall his name) sat in throne and would yell "Role the Garbage!" before previewing the cartoons. The Warner brothers, according Jones, didn't even know what cartoons were their's - they thought they had Mickey Mouse! I'll still take the 60's Spidey over any other cartoon version. For all its datedness, for the reused shots and plots, and perposterous story lines it still feels like it has more heart. The other versions just feel stale, less imaginitive. (I know that sounds odd) Plus you not only had an incredible theme song, but an incredible "score" to boot. I have been watching it on Teletoon just to listen to the music - if wish they'd put out a comprehensive CD compilation. If only cartoons were scored like this nowadays! (probably where most of the budget went actually)
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