The Invisible Man/Beast-Thing Servant
5 August 2000
This movie is really lame, unless you're really into Eurocine films, in which case you kind of know what to expect (i.e. Zombies Lake or Oasis of the Living Dead). We start with a young doctor receiving a request for his immediate help at Professor Orloff's Castle. Of course, when he tries to find a ride at a tavern, people act like he's crazy to be going up there; behavior which he ignores. People even slam doors in his face as soon as he mentions Orloff. But we get no real feeling that the doctor wonders why people react this way. I guess he's just really determined to help strangers. The movie is very sloppy and is full of many errors. When his carriage gets stuck, he decides to walk to the castle. The carriage continues in the same direction and the doctor heads off in the direction he just came from?!? Later we meet Orloff's daughter and hear her description of this invisible man: "...it was shapeless and substantial...somehow it was transparent and opaque!" Maybe they should have called it The Invisible Yet Still Somehow Visible Dead. The doctor, after meeting two of the hired help and on his way to meet Professor Orloff, makes this judgment about his daughter: "Visions are not uncommon among girls who live alone." Okay, doc, but what about women who live with three other people? The "invisible dead" is really just one guy/beast thing which Orloff orders to do mostly mundane things: "Get the lantern. Now hold it up higher. Open the door." You know, things that Orloff is perfectly capable of doing. This movie really drags along, though. And even though it seems a lot longer than 90 minutes, the ending is abrupt and sort of cartoony and out of place.
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