Near Flint TV Movie
19 September 2003
Wow. I hadn't thought about this one in a while. I was all excited when I heard this one was coming. since the original 2 Flint films were long-time favorites. Well, Ray Danton gives it a good shot, but the movie doesn't seem to know what made the Flint films different from the Bond/Bond wannabes that infested theatres for years. Because of this, this movie imitates all the other clones, and misses the style, and whimsy of the first. Too bad, Danton was an old hand at this sort of thing, after "Secret Agent Super Dragon", and even the lead role in the french comic adaptation, "Lucky The Inscrutable", (directed by Jess Franco). The script just doesn't really work, and past a zippy opening, the film doesn't do much either. A lost opportunity, now best swept out of the way.
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