Review of SCTV

SCTV (1976–1981)
Favorite childhood series
4 April 2004
I always waited anxiously for the weekend when my parents would go out with friends & I would stay up late & watch tv. We were lucky to have very good cable (despite the fewer # of channels available then today), getting the indie stations from NJ, NYC & Philly on top of the cable channels. My parents probably would have been horrified to discover what I was watching (Monty Python, The Kenny Everett Video Show, Benny Hill, SNL and eventually the 1st few years of the USA Network's Late night programming before it devolved into Gilbert Godfrey & cheezy movies).

SCTV was always got top bill, the others were usually a mixed bag as far as quality was concerned (at least to a pre-teenager). As time went on, I was disappointed that SCTV faded in SNL's shadow, since SCTV was far superior. I was also disappointed to see the men of the show (John Candy, Martin Short...) go on to bigger careers in film, but the women, who had much stronger characters, only popped up on an occassional tv show.

My all-time favorite skit had to have been Catherine O'hara playing Brooke Shields on The Farm Report doing her rendition of Devo's "Whip It"....I haven't ever laughed so hard at a single tv joke since (Jim & Tammy Bakker weren't intentionally funny, so they don't count). Of course there was also the skit w/ the 2 women doing a women's tv chat show while seated on pillows arranged on a sound stage, and of course 3D Horror Theater...I hope the complete series makes it to DVD.
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