Capricorn One (1977)
Where's the ending?
29 April 2001
Capricorn One is a film about a mission to Mars that fails, so those in charge decide to fake it to save face. Coincidentally, it's also a film in which the third act fails, so those in charge decide to fake it to save face. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this movie and the acting is first rate (although take note that O.J. Simpson received very few lines), but the fact is that it ended at a very odd place. I'm not revealing where that was, but any of you familiar with screenwriting will know what I mean when I say it had no third act. Yes, it was a well done drama that gripped and intrigued you, but the big payoff that you expect isn't there. Instead you are left to assume that it happens off camera as the credits roll. It was like reading a really good book and then discovering the last chapter is missing. But, if you can stand to fill in the blanks yourself, this really is a pretty good flick. It's best feature is that it will get you thinking about a real life incident.

The movie was based loosely on the possibility that the 1969 moon landing was faked by NASA in order to beat the Russians. This may sound insane, but when one is presented with some of the evidence, one becomes at least intrigued by the possibility. (Check out the Fox special "Conspiracy theory: Did We Land on the Moon?" Yeah I know it's a Fox special, but it's good, trust me.) Questions such as "Why can we see shadows on the moon pointing in conflicting directions when NASA claims the only light source was the sun?" and "How does the American flag flap in the supposedly airless atmosphere?" have caused some to believe we never made it to the moon.

Regardless of this, Capricorn One is a C+ film with an A+ cast and a D- ending, but it still receives my endorsement and I encourage you to go pick it up and judge for yourself.
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