Review of Superman

Superman (1978)
Christopher Reeve IS the Man of Steel
25 March 2000
Warning: Spoilers
NOTE: I included what some may consider spoilers on the first few scenes. Nothing big or crucial, but read with care...

I finally got around to watching this classic film the other night. The dramatic opening credit sequence really got me psyched, and somewhat contrary to my expectations, Marlon Brando was great as Jor-El (how could I have doubted Brando?). I enjoyed watching the setup scenes on Clark's high school years and his discovery of his Kryptonian heritage. I admit, however, that I was really waiting for the young Jeff East to exit and for Chris Reeve to step in as the older Clark/Superman. Finally Clark completes his studies on Krypton's past and we see a short teaser scene of Reeve flying toward the screen in his classic reds and blues.

But the film makers managed to keep me in suspense by stopping the action there and cutting to a scene of the bustling offices of the Daily Planet. Lois chats with Jimmy Olsen and then proceeds to enter Perry White's office where she is introduced to Reeve as the be-speckled Clark Kent. Folks, these next three or four scenes comprise the true apex of the film, not to mention the best bit of acting I've seen in some time. In fact whenever Reeve is onscreen (as Kent or Superman) you're guaranteed a fantastic performance, but this is never more evident than in his scenes as the bumbling reporter.

You won't even fully realize how talented Reeve is until the scene in which he's talking to Lois offstage. He begins as Clark. Then he starts to work up the courage to reveal his secret identity. He removes his glasses. Considers things carefully. And begins to speak as Superman. IT'S AMAZING!! He grows about 4 inches, his voice (which you probably hadn't even noticed was high) deepens a pitch or two, his expressions and gestures become noticeably more confident.....and then he decides against the revelation and IMMEDIATELY returns to the nerdy Kent.

I had no idea just how in control Reeve was of his every move. This is so ironic and heart-breaking considering this master thespian is now almost totally paralyzed. Seeing the determination and commitment he gave to this part, I am more sure than ever that Christopher Reeve will walk again someday.

The rest of the film was well written, but really only a few echelons above average. I would give the film a 6 or a 6.5 but Reeve shot my score up to a high 7. For those of you who haven't seen Superman yet, I won't detail anymore scenes (and there are several more good ones). But needless to say it is a MUST SEE. Go rent it, make some popcorn, and watch it with the lights out. Up, up, and AWAY!
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