Review of The Sword

The Sword (1980)
Nice Swordsplay Movie Of The Old School!
29 May 2004
the Plot:

Swordmaster Wah acquires Chi Mud, the famous sword expert, he is advised to destroy it or he will be killed by this very sword. Wah does not believe. Suddenly he retires. but many young swordsman try to find and challenge him. Lee a young swordsman saves a girl by accident from a professional killer. Upon hearing that Wah's daughter Ying has been kidnapped, Lee goes to her rescue only to find that Ying is the girl he had rescued before. But Lee still wants to challenge Wah in spite of his love for Wah's daughter. The strikes and vengeance is revealed now...

about the film:

Personally when I first saw this film I didn't really bother that much about it. I though "ahh..sen this so many times before" but the second time I watched it.. I began to understand that this is actually a very beautiful film. the story itself isn't anything new but still gives a good purpose and meaning to the film, the fighting is of the old school, fun to watch and nicely made, locations are beautiful shot etc. so in all this film is actually worth looking up. If you like the old martials arts stylish films I would recommend to look this one up.

I give it a 7/10
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