The Lathe of Heaven (1980 TV Movie)
Could be the best Sci-Fi book ever written, but...
11 June 2000
I often hear, or read, reviews that say something to the effect, "It was nothing like the book," or "They followed the book exactly." To those reviews I say "Who cares?" The Lathe of Heaven is an excelent example of how following the book exactly does not mean that the movie is excellent. I think the novel is one of the best Sci-Fi books ever written. I like it far better than "Snowcrash," or "Neuromancer." This movie is poorly acted, has special effects that are laughable, was edited by a heavy handed oaf without an artistic bone in his body, and has a soundtrack so bad that the "Flash Gordon" sound track looks good in comparison. On the other hand, the script was an excelent and faithful adaptation of the novel, and when it comes out on DVD I will buy it.

As long as we are all dreaming effectively, can we dream that someone will take that excellent script and give it to some real actors and movie makers. I don't need, or even want, a heavy handed Hollywood Sci-Fi adaptation of it. I would like it to be made with the production quality that this incredible novel deserves. Is Alex Proyas available?
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