Great Performances: Monsignor Quixote (1986)
Season 15, Episode 1
A truly enjoyable movie. Don't miss it!!!
23 January 2000
I will start saying that few movies have touched me in my life as much as Monsignor Quixote did. Based on the novel by Graham Greene of the same title, the movie tells us about the adventures of a Roman Catholic priest (Father Quixote) just promoted to monsignor, and a communist mayor (Sancho) just defeated in a municipal election in the post-Franco years in Spain. Both men are great friends despite their opposite backgrounds, and while the movie progresses, we can see that their ideas are not as far apart as one would expect. The story is told in such a way that it resembles the adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza in modern times (Don Quixote and Sancho Panza were the characters created by Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in the book "Don Quijote de la Mancha" early in the 17th Century). The movie has many hilarious scenes, but it has also its sad moments. I personally would not describe it as a comedy, but rather as a comedy-drama. The music by Anton Garcia Abril also suits the movie very well. I would describe the roles played by Sir Alec Guinness, Leo McKerr, Rosalie Crutchley, and some of the other actors and actresses as remarkable.

The movie proves Graham Greene's profound knowledge of Spain, its traditions, and its politics. But for some reason, this movie appears to have been tacitly banned in Spain, and same has happened to Graham Greene's novel (at least, I could not get a copy of either despite trying many times). Amongst other things, the movie satirizes both the Opus Dei and the Spanish Catholic Church involvement in politics. But in order to fully enjoy the movie, one has to pay special attention to the dialogues and try not to miss one word, for the dialogues contain many sharp and witty remarks. But no matter how much attention you pay, you will notice how much you missed the first time if you watch the movie two or three times. I would also recommend that, if you like the movie, you also read the novel.

Do not miss this one. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
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