Space Mutiny (1988)
"I still support the railing system!"
27 December 2003
Ah, Space Mutiny, definitely one of the best Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes, it's one of my favorites personally. I think the reason why this is such a great episode is due to the fact that this film is just so unbelievably bad, you know? I mean these are the kind of movies that you just look at and question constantly how it got green lighted since it's just such an awful film. I'm not just saying bad, I'm saying that there must have been about 5 million things wrong with this movie. There are tons and tons of continuity problems, a woman who dies in one scene, then the next scene she is a noticeable extra that's alive and well. The "hero" of the film has extremely horrible acting qualities, not to mention that he screams like a girl. The "sexy lady" of the story looks like she's in her late fifties and again, her acting is lousy. The "villain" won't stop with this ridiculous laughter. The story itself is just a bad one.

The people in space on the Southern Sun are supposedly happy and looking for a new world to create something new and peaceful. But some apparently have grown impatient, like Calgon(yeah, that's the villain's name, sad, isn't it?) and his "wise" followers. But the leader of the Southern Sun, who looks a lot like Santa Claus, wishes peace, so he assigns Dave Ryder to save the day. Along with Santa's daughter, Lea, she and Dave pretty much have to out maneuver Calgon, just for God's sake, who couldn't? I mean the man's body guard looks like a lobster.

Space Mutiny is just in general a very bad film. I mean Mystery Science Theater 3000 sometimes gets some movies that are not so bad, but Space Mutiny is one of those films that is all around just a bad mistake. I'm not sure if they people who made this movie really looked at it in the editing room and really thought that this was an excellent or decent movie. The acting, the editing, the continuity, THE COSTUMES, the sets, the actors, everything about this movie was just plain bad. The sounds and script was just so laughable. Space Mutiny is not even good enough to be a cult film, the only thing that this film was good for was just the fact that it made one of the best Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes. But I have to admit that Calgon did blow me away, lol.

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