Review of Ubit drakona

Ubit drakona (1988)
Masterpiece and callout to people
10 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This film is not to be taken as just a gruesome fairy tale. It`s a sharp and biting glance of an effect of power on people. It follows how power corrupts people and especially highlights and shames those who quietly succumbs to tyrany just for the dear piece even if it means betraying your loved ones and everyone around. The blazing line that goes through film -"kill the dragon and you become the next dragon". Is it possible not to fall prey for a comfort of being a tyrant, not to become another dragon ? Wondering knight Lancelot has to find that out for himself.

//--POSSIBLE SPOILERS--------// One shot from the film that I would like to mention especially - when the death of Dragon is pronounced to people and the voice shout from the city wall - "people, now you have your freedom !", for the minute crowd stands numb, than the voices raise in jubilation, but the camera turns and shows a bunch of scrawny mails, one of them suddenly yells "freedom!", turns over the nearby apple stand, grabs the passing by woman and tries to drag her in an ally.

No rosy happy end here. Where freedom turns into anarchy ? What to do about it ? Instate another tyrany and become another Dragon ? Recommended to anyone who thinks that things are easy - just take the sword and slash something. This will make you think again.
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