Listen to Me (1989)
College Debate is NOT like this...
24 May 1999
First, I concur completely with the other review listed here. Beyond that, let me say this movie is an insult to college debate. As a former debator, coach, and director of debate, let me just say that our activities are nothing like these. Debators work hard, practice hard, and win through argumentation, strong evidence, and effective persuasion. Not through hoke, schmaltz, and a total lack of ethics. This just had to be said, as I am tired of people saying, "Oh, I know what college debate is like--I saw 'Listen To Me' a few years ago." Uh, no, you don't. Also, the plot is sophomoric, predictable, and the acting is terrible. This movie's only value is as a joke. A sad one, and only when you have an incredible amount of time to waste. P.S.--the Supreme Court has no interest in hearing college debates, and hackneyed, worn-out topics like "abortion" were debated back in the mid 1970's. Real debators are academicians, and they deal with topics that are relevant and timely. Aw, need I go on? This movie was horrible, and a horrific representation of a worthwhile activity. Please, if you see it, don't insult anyone associated with college debate by saying you know anything about what they do.
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