The Punisher (1989)
Schwarzenegger wannabe
16 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
In my honest opinion, Dolph Lundgren has only turned out ONE good acting performance(out of his 28 movies so far)-- "Rocky IV". The only other movie I'll recommend is "Red Scorpion", and that's only when you want to test the ground-pounders on your surround-sound stereo system with its helicopter scenes.

Lundgren's Schwarzeneggerian one-liners fall flatter than a Kansas skyline. The last thing I would do if somebody finished torturing me on an electric version of the medieval rack is smile and say "Hey. Have a nice day."

WHY must heroes always have irritatingly quirky sidekicks? Certainly not to make Castle look like he has some semblance of sanity in this movie.

The scene in the carnival funhouse was astonishingly lame. The bad guys have machine guns, so why can't they hit Castle? He wasn't moving. It's so typical of one-man-against-the-odds action movies to have highly trained assassins who can't hit the broad side of a barn at point-blank range, while the heroes can successfully shoot the villains(with pistols) without even looking.

And the Yakuza villains! Wearing shiny black leather to look diabolical is SO cliche! Plus, walking and talking slowly to show smug superiority is even worse.

Lou Gossett Jr. does a good job, but the expressions on his face show that he can't hide his embarrassment to be in this totally crappy movie. Same thing about his role in "Firewalker".

Two thumbs so far down, they're six feet under, which is where this movie should be. Few comic books adapt well to live-action venues. Remember 1992's "Captain America"? Bomb-o-rama!

SPOILER HERE --I'm sure the writers could have come up with some better way for Castle to escape than to enable the discovery that he has wingnuts on his hand restraints. Villains wouldn't be rich and successful if they were THAT stupid.
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