Seagal And The Environmental Movement Deserve Each Other
14 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Noble . Selfless . Honourable . Just three words that can`t be used to describe the modern environmental movement and before anyone accusses me of being Dubya in disguise let me please point out that I used to be a member of the environmental movement , and I know what I`m talking about and it`s very fitting the most environmentally aware thriller Hollywood has ever produced has got to be just about the dumbest movie in history

!!!! MILD SPOILERS !!!!!

Seagal has made an very entertaining film I`ll give him that much but does anyone seriously think it was supposed to be entertaining ? I doubt it since we`re bludgeoned over the head in almost scene as to how every single problem in the world is down to greedy oil companies and the ecological destruction they cause . I was actually under the impression man`s inhumanity to man might have everything to do with problems of the world ( Unfortunately this will never EVER change ) and boy does eco warrior Forrest Taft show an awful lot of inhumanity to his fellow man from the opening fight scene where he breaks every arm belonging to a red neck scumbag to blowing up a toy helicopter to wiping out a crack team of mercenaries hired by an especially evil - I`m talking EVIL - oil company boss Forrest murders a whole lot of people . Of course legally he might not face any criminal charges for doing this as it may be constued as self defence but at the end of the film he does blow up an oil rig almost certainly killing scores of innocent people who`s only crime seems to be working for an oil company . Oh I see Forrest they deserved to die because they worked for an EVIL oil company ? Not only does Forrest escape prosecution he gets to address the nation by making a speech as to how mankind is destroying the planet which is a bit rich coming from a man who`s just murdered scores of people . By the way Forrest are those crocodile shoes you`re wearing ?

We`re not just talking action movie star here , we`re talking Steven Seagal which means we`re talking several scenes where the evil - I mean EVIL - bad guys discuss who they`re up against and in one laughable scene we`re told " This guy`s the best . You leave him in the North Pole and next day he`ll turn up beside your swimming pool wearing a fur trimmed bikini " Did anyone else have a grotesque vision flowing through their head of Steven Seagal beside a swimming pool wearing a fur trimmed bikini ? Not a pretty sight is it

You have to wonder why such a talented cast would appear in a movie this bad but I guess the logical answer might be something to do with money . After all both Michael Caine and Billy Bob Thornton grew up in total poverty and there`s no way you can blame anyone for wanting to better themselves ( Even if it means working for an EVIL oil company ) and Caine at least treats the project with the contempt it deserves by doing his greatest ever bad performance as an EVIL oil company boss with a Texan/Cockney accent

It`s interesting to note that this movie more or less ended Seagal`s movie career . Even more interesting is the fact that since the mid 1990s the environmental movement has been losing support , Greenpeace for example has been losing members at a very steady rate in the last decade ( And they lost a member called Theo Robertson last year ) as people come round to the concept of universal free thinking replacing doom laden green rhetoric
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