Jack Palance's voice and great lines of the script makes the film come alive
31 March 2003
I have always loved the voice of Jack Palance, which is as distinctive and rich as those of Richard Burton, George Clooney, and Sean Connery. The film is richer for the brilliant casting of Palance's voice.

I was viewing the movie with my daughter and my reasons for enjoying the film were the brilliant lines spoken by the male characters that could have been from one of those film-noir gangster films of the Fifties. The turtle character reminded me of Peter Lorre's voice.

Take some of the lines: "Once you steal something, you spend your whole life fighting to keep it," or "You should write a book: How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less." These are lines that adults will love not kids.

The dialogue: "Don't let her die!" "Is that a threat?" "Don't you dare let her die!" "Oh, it is a threat" could have been straight out of a modern gangster film..The lines/dialogues, not the screenplay, are top notch. The film is not great cinema but provides reasonable entertainment for both young and old.
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