good actors fail to rescue dull film
25 February 2001
Mostly bland crime story in which a homeless man (Rupert Graves) is witness to a hanging from London's Tower Bridge. When he goes to report the crime, he discovers the cop leading the investigation (Michael Gambon) was one of the hangers, so he enlists the help of a journalist (Annabella Sciorra) to expose the story. Unfortunately, aside from a neat twist about three-quarters of the way through, there is little real mystery or suspense: we know Gambon did it, and Graves manages to stay out of any real danger for most of the film. The actors do the best they can, but get little support from the unsubtle script and direction; Sciorra spends most of her time being earnest and Gambon chews a little scenery but not enough to make a lasting impression. Graves is a solid lead but falls victim to the film's biggest failing; this is one of the least convincing depictions of homelessness I've seen. Overall, the film feels like a typical British TV crime show, but with most of the depth carefully removed.
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