Judge Dredd (1995)
Appalling film adaptation of superior comic strip
5 April 2004
This film was a poor adaptation of the '2000AD' comic strip and had an awful script. It's difficult to appear 2 dimensional compared with a comic strip character but Sylvester Stallone managed it. The film was devoid of humour and human interest - why didn't they just cover what Dredd did in a duty shift? That's how the comic garnered readers.The only things worth seeing in the film were the depiction of MegaCity1 aerial & streetscapes, the block war at the start & the ABC warrior ('Hammerstein' without his hammer). Seldom has a robot upstaged human actors! >> A V O I D <<.

For devoted Dredd fans maybe someone will make a cartoon film that does him justice - and alows him to keep his hat on all the time!
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