Mediocre film about jealous, spiteful women
22 December 2000
I did not find this film to be particularly enjoyable. I haven't read the book, so I don't know how they compare. However, the film didn't seem to have anything that appealed to me. It appears to be about a group of women who become bitter and spiteful when their husbands leave them. Then they sit around talking about how all men are terrible. While one can sympathize with the women for being upset, they quickly become extremely unsympathetic. The whole point of their conversations seems to be that women are superior to men, because a woman would never do such evil things. Additionally, the main focus of their concern seems to be that the men have left them for white women. I thought these ideas of racial purity went out with the civil rights movement. One almost senses that they wouldn't have minded so much if they'd been replaced by other black women. I was also irritated by the one woman's burning her husband's possessions after he left her. I realize she's angry about the whole situation, but that destruction is very childish. Her first thought was probably to burn him, but she felt that burning his things would be better, particularly since he'd be alive to suffer.

I was generally disappointed by the film and frustrated by the characters. I would never have considered it to be a comedy, although I'm sure I would have liked it better if it had been funnier, since that would have softened the impact of the unappealingly bitter and spiteful nature of the women. As it was, however, the film did nothing but irritate me.
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