Review of The Odyssey

The Odyssey (1997)
Enjoyable film, despite some technical flaws
26 June 2001
I realize filmmakers have to include some personal touches, but it would be nice for them to remember that this film is called "The Odyssey", not "The Life of Odysseus." To some extent the latter is what we've gotten, since it is essentially a chronological rendering of the legend, instead of repeating Homer's epic poem. Of course, flashbacks only work to a certain point in movies, so having Odysseus tell about his adventures to date at the Phaeacian court might seem a little tedious to most viewers. However, he does narrate most of the story, anyway, so it wouldn't seem too difficult for him to slip into that mode in Phaeacia.

Other minor quibbles: Menelaus is consistently referred to in the literature as "blond Menelaus," so why does he have black hair in this film? The Phaeacian ship should not have any crew, since their ships were able to sail themselves. Odysseus' men did not merely run out of Polyphemus' cave; they tied themselves to the undersides of the sheep. The film does get close, however. Some of the men crawl out with sheepskins on their backs. Eumaeus raised pigs, not sheep. Finally, what happened to Laertes (Odysseus' father) and Argus (his dog)? Argus definitely should have been included, since the scene where he lifts his head and wags his tail, being one of the few characters who recognizes Odysseus, then dies, is one of the most touching and tragic scenes in the book. Laertes isn't even mentioned, even though Anticleia appears for most of the film.

But, as I say, minor quibbles. This is overall an enjoyable film, much reminiscent of the epic films of the '50's and '60's.
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