Review of Hurlyburly

Hurlyburly (1998)
Omigod, I know these people!
30 August 1999
Eddie and Mickey must be pulling down some good bucks as casting directors, because they live in a fabulous pad up in the hills (where most of the scenes take place), drive BMW's and rack up horrendous bills on their cell phones. They are HAPPENIN', baby, living the high life in L.A. But, wait a looks like BEING high is pretty much what their lives are all about in the long run, because their existences are empty, futile and shallow, so they seem to do a lot of coke and weed to try to have a better time. Eddie (Sean Penn) is especially unhappy, so he does more drugs than anybody else and then goes into long, coked-out, nonsense raps.

Have you met anybody like these guys? Well, I have and they are dead-on. This play is real, as far as I can see, and maybe the people who didn't like it don't like to see the ugliness of everyday reality. The person who compared this to "Glengarry, Glen Ross" is absolutely right and as I watched this film, I thought of that movie, also...excellent ensemble cast throwing red-hot lines at each other like arrows.

Sean Penn especially was awesome, but I thought all the actors did incredible jobs. I loved the screenplay, too, but felt that it petered out in the last 15 minutes and never really had a resolution.

Favorite scene: Sean and Robin driving in the car trying to decide where to eat and escalating into a WWIII level argument...I've BEEN there!
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