Resident Evil (2002)
Faced paced action, a bit of gore, beautiful woman.
15 July 2002
Ok, there is nothing original about this film, but, as with a number of films being made recently, it can somtimes look original because of the recent love with computer graphics and eye-pleasing cleanliness of of recent movies.

Milla looks great and proves herself once again, even if there is little clothing or script available sometimes. Some might say that she was a little too undressed for the film's rating, (but I reserve opinion as I like to think I'm well balanced enough not to be affected).

The action is very cool; violence equally so - although some taken (come on guys, admit it) straight from the excellent, minor cult movie 'Cube'. My only grudge on the sfx and action is that we could have seen the hologram a bit more. My only grudge on the storyline is that it was asking me to stretch my disbelief almost that bit too far, which even I can do quite frequently.

All in all, I now realise they may have been saving a bit of the budget for the sequel - which I hope lives up to it's future hype. I must congratulate the script writers, sfx guys and actors for a job well done, considering game-to-movie conversions have not faired so well (see the excellent 'Wing Commander' - yes, I stand by that).
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