Fanboys rejoice! It sucks less!
13 June 2002
Superior to the Phantom Menace in many ways but still bogged down - way down - by a script that makes Passover cuisine seem exciting and a director who can't hit the stop button.

It's really hard to blame the actors here, or at least be accurate in one's criticisms of their performances, due to the horrific script and storyline. But bottom line they do nothing to get the viewer engaged and more often do the opposite. How many times did I mouth "shut up Anaken!" while watching this film. No, it wasn't that Hayden Christensen did a good job of building Anaken Skywalker into a character I could later love to hate, it was because the very sound of his whiney teenage voice made me want to stab the nearest person in the neck with a pencil.

Like the Phantom Menace, the computer animation is overdone to the point that it's pounded into our heads over and over that nothing is real or even lifelike. We stop caring and the film drags on...

Also like the Phantom Menace you can expect extremely flat characters and performances, seemingly going through the motions of their dialogs with less life th--

Sorry, just thinking about it almost caused me to slip into a coma.

Even the comic relief from R2 and 3PO falls flat - humor about something we're only minorly interested in has a steep, uphill battle.

If I had to sum this film up I'd say take any crappy sci-fi flick and infuse it with a massive budget. Voila - Star Wars: Episode 2. Pray that Lucas wises up and turns the directorial and editorial duties over to someone with an ounce of technical acumen...
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