Review of Elizabeth

Elizabeth (1998)
I'm ashamed to admit...
23 December 1998
I'm almost ashamed to admit that I found "Elizabeth" murky, muddled, and a bit dreary. So many people have praised the film so highly that I feel that there is something wrong with me for having left the theater utterly unmoved by what I'd just seen. Are the sets, costumes, music, etc. stunning? Yes. Is Cate Blanchett luminous and bewitching? Definitely.

"Elizabeth" is certainly a good-LOOKING movie. The trouble is, the script just doesn't present a cohesive storyline, and the characters fail to fully come alive. There is no passion beneath the movie's surface. I came away with no more insight into Elizabeth or her times then I had when I came in. The movie is simply a series of gorgeously-filmed events.
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