Hot Springs Hotel (1997– )
Sexual Hee Haw
25 October 2000
I catch reruns of this on Show2 and couldn't resist a comment or two. This is one of the corniest shows I've ever seen, and I'd even say it might be numero uno. The plots, characters, and story lines are worse than most porno films. One example is the cheesy theme song that sounds like it was written by a 8 year old, (brother Randy is always horny as hell... at the Hot Springs Hotel... Hot Springs Hotel) Here's a typical story, the three main characters are brother and sister who own a hotel and their busty side kick at the front desk. Well, brother sees a sexy babe follows her to her room and you can guess what happens next, then switch to sister in bed with latest boy friend and she wonders if he sees other women, then switch to scene not related to the story of sidekick in bed with a man she's just met at the gym, then finally a long encounter between sister and boyfriend after he tells her he's not cheating on her. Another story has inspectors threatening to close the hotel, well brother Randy bangs the woman inspector and then the woman inspector shows up with the man inspector in just her bra and thong panties and yeah, you guessed it. It's all so stupid and innate it's hilarious. The women's nude scenes are very nice, and despite other reviews not always silicone based, although the two women who are the main characters are silicone city. Frontal nudity is non-existent, guess this is to get it by the Showtime censors, yeap they have censors too, otherwise uncut Vivid Video movies would have been shown a long time ago. Some of the sex scenes are laughable, in one scene the woman's womanly parts would have had to of been in the middle of her back to make the action possible, in another they would have had to be above her naval. I guess they did this so they could say they were just "nude cuddling" and not in a sex act, once again to slide it by any censors. Anyway it reminds me of that old country music show Hee Haw, which not only tried to be corny, but relished in it. Esp. after this one show with a cheesy "Southern" Girl, with this really bad southern accent, who brother Randy.. well you know. Check this out if you want a good laugh and are not offended by sluts and TnA.
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