Slow-moving, dull, and without logical plot
13 January 2002
I don't think this inept script could have ever been produced without

the name of Tim Burton behind it. Science fiction aficionados

should take note that, unlike the original PLANET OF THE APES,

this non-remake makes no effort to lay any kind of logical

connection between the different time frames alluded to in the plot.

If you have ever seen any time travel films before, even mediocre

ones, you will have come to expect some logical inconsistencies

(reflecting that time travel is theoretically impossible in the first

place), but Burton seems intent on simply giving the finger to any

semblance of logic here. If you haven't seen the film yet, you have

probably been told to expect a surprise ending; I would tell you to

expect a surprisingly stupid ending that is surprisingly insulting to

the audience's intelligence.

Burton's fondness for dark sets is apparent here, but instead of

the decadent, wildly overgrown urban landscape of his Gotham

City, all you get here is sensory deprivation and an urge to nod off

during one of the film's frequent and lengthy periods of inactivity.

The ape makeup, which was groundbreaking at the time of the

original film, has not really improved much. Some of it is quite

good (Tim Roth as Thade), but it is otherwise uneven, as is the


Burton makes much of the difference in strength and agility

between apes and humans, but the way he shows this is not by

endowing the apes with natural animal-like grace, but by loading

them onto hidden catapults and launching them into the scene. It's


The DVD has a few extras, including commentary by Tim Burton

and Danny Elfman, but I got the best laugh from the cast bio

section, which gives page after page of gushing plaudits for

Burton's untalented girlfriend, Lisa Marie, who is alleged to have

appeared in the film. Darned if I could find her though. Jeez, what

_won't_ Burton stoop to to keep his bed warm!

Rating: 3/10.
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