Review of Spiral

Spiral (1998)
Good plot, but not really part of Ringu
28 July 2004
While this movie purports to be the sequel to Ringu, it seems to be part of a totally different universe. Ringu was all about a paranormal curse on a videotape, yet Rasen is about viruses and science. Many viewers probably felt the same reaction as when George Lucas decided to explain the Force with mitochlorians.

The acting and cinematography is impressive in this film, as with the other Ringu movies. For the first hour you will wonder where things are headed, and may even believe it is part of Ringu, but the last half hour reveals this is in fact a story about cloning, viruses, and world domination. In Western films, we like to define a universe in the first movie, and all sequels adopt to the rules laid down by the first film. The Japanese, on the other hand, like to rewrite the mythology with each succeeding sequel (I've seen this often in Japanese video games). Rasen is good, but it deserves to be presented in its own movie with new characters, rather than trying to fit the ideas into the Ringu storyline.
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