Little Voice (1998)
Overall a sweet, charming movie.
20 July 2003
LV (Jane Horrocks) is a painfully shy young girl who can never say a word, because her blatant mother's always got her mouth open. She lives in her room, immersed in her music, and only comes alive when she sees the ghost of her father. LV finds comfort in Billy (Ewan McGregor) who is almost as shy as her, but is brave enough to try to forge a quiet friendship with her. One night LV is overheard by one of her mother's new boyfriends Ray Say (Michael Caine), a desperate talent agent who is convinced he has hit the Jackpot, but makes the mistake of forcing LV on to the stage. Overall, this was a very touching movie, there were some really funny moments and all the performances were really well done. From Ewan McGregor's love for pigeons to Jane Horrock's inability to answer the phone. But the thing I really loved about this movie was the relationship between LV and Billy. They're both really quiet people, who need someone talk to. Billy is almost like an escape for LV because he doesn't make her do or be anything other then herself. He can see a really nice person inside and instead of forcing his company on her he does it quietly and gently, helping her come out of her shell when she's ready.
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