Review of Laughing Boy

Laughing Boy (2000)
laughing boy withstands the wiener test of good movies.
2 May 2000
i was very impressed with the movie laughing boy...iam not as long winded as some others and will not get into charaacter development or any other movie cliche reviews..

i'll make it short and sweet. first class direction, good acting good plot, good photography and editing. this movie is one of those movies that is worth seeing, not only becuse it was produced and directed by a hometown houston boy, but also because it is a good movie. in todays times with film budgets soaring way past the 100 million dollar limits, it is good to see that good movies can still be made by people who are out of the hollywood loop and on an extremely tight budget. people who make movies because they love making movies and are not at this very moment in it for the money...although i'm sure that brazil grisaffi would take some money if you gave it to him..

good movie....go see it if you can..........out
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