Review of I Stand Alone

I Stand Alone (1998)
effective examination of male alienation and paranoia
8 August 2002
"Seul Contre Tous" is a pretty effective examination of male alienation and paranoia in the vein of "Taxi Driver". But, it's much more about testing the parameters of modern cinema, not just in relation to violence and sexual sadism, but rather with respect to audience reception. Gaspar Noe executes myriad devices which confront the viewer-shock cuts, inter-titles, loud non-diegetic sounds accompanying rapid, jumpy zooms-in an effort to p***-off the spectator. It is provocative to some degree but not half as much as I think the filmmaker hoped. To be truthful the best aspects of the film have little to do with this agenda. The central performance is outstanding and the moment of redemption (complex, manipulative and contrived as it might be) is really something quite beautiful.
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