Certainly original
13 August 1999
Boy, was "Sixth Sense" not the movie I expected. It's not your typical gory horror flick, and there are no scenes of people running for their lives from ghouls. No, this film is much more subtle than that. In fact, it's one of the quietest movies I can remember seeing. While most summer movies shout at you, this one whispers. And while most summer movies race from scene to scene, this one inches forward. Of course, sometimes watching this movie is like watching a glacier melt, but the ending makes it all worthwhile. (In fact, after the first viewing, you'll never have quite the same reaction to the movie. You'll know too much the second time. But the plot will make more sense.) Excellent acting all around, including an admirably subdued Bruce Willis and the talented Haley Joel Osment. Willis and Osment play off each other well. And I agree with whomever said Osment would've made a great Anakin Skywalker. Be forewarned: while there are a couple of light moments, this is a fairly serious and restrained movie. Those looking for a shock-fest are advised to look elsewhere.
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