Ray Dennis Steckler, where are you?
4 August 2000
Ugh. After watching this little romp through hell, I felt like I needed a shower. This movie has a greasy feel to it, starting with the restaurant "EAT". Everyone in this film looks like they need a bath, and badly. It's obvious that Dial soap wasn't in generous supply on the set of this stinker.

The movie tells the story of a young woman - who cares what her name is - who aspires to be a dancer. It just so happens that while she's shaking her moneymaker to the jukebox, who would happen to be at the door but a man whose sister "is only the number 1 dancer in LA". These two losers then pick up Critter, a yellow-bellied chicken who plays lots of guitar and sings lonesome songs -- kinda like a late '60s Morrissey, only with less feeling.

Somewhere in this mindless plot, there's the specter of drug running, girls dancing in front of smoking pumpkins, and possibly venereal diseases being transmitted. I just want to know where Ray Dennis Steckler was while this movie was being filmed.

Sterno says save your quarter for a real peep show.
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