Don't flatter yourself...
9 September 2001
There's a lot to like in this movie. Afonwhatever's style keeps things moving and peppy but sometimes you have to ask "why?" Why do MTV style fast-forward shots of turning off the television and popping pills OVER and OVER? There's apparently little meaning behind it - it's just a piece of visual flash.

Second the shock value is effective but tired. The good girl gone bad and then having sex with black men thing is cliche at this point. We saw it in Traffic. Of course, they're always gross, nasty black men, right? Gimme a break.

Much rawer than trainspotting, this film leaves out most of the style elements. The choice of location - Coney Island - is perfect to this end.

That said, the real genius of this flick is how despite the main characters' additions things seem more or less under control for 2/3 of the film, in some ways even prosperous. The drugs are shown as recreational and stress relieving. But without any warning to them, or the viewer, we quickly realize that things are definately not in control. And if you watch the film again you would be hard pressed to point to a particular scene where things pass the point of no return.

Hopefully this film will make a few conservative "it's your own fault/why don't you just quit?" types think twice before they condemn a social outcast or someone addicted to drugs.
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