Worst movie ever...
26 August 2002
usually when someone asks me the question, what is the worst movie ever and sometimes i have to think about it. now, thanks to travolta, i don't have to think about it anymore. this movie, hands down is easily one of the worst. what makes it bad is that it takes itself very seriously, it's a bad plot which the film makers thought was good enough to release on the big screen. i even prefer cheesy teen sex movies like "out cold" or "the new guy" to this crap because those movies at least are slightly entertaining. and anyone who says this movie is good is obviously a scientologist and wouldn't even think about questioning hubbard. i don't see how someone can sit there w/ a straight face and tell me that those good guys were able to sit in a simulator for a few days and then fly some harrier jets right away and defeat the enemy within one day. well maybe they were trying to be funny. i just didn't think that this was a comedy.
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