The Skulls (2000)
Joshie Jackson does it right!
31 March 2000
I LIKED this movie, I didn't LOVE it, but I liked it. I give it a 10! Josh Jackson played Luke very well in this movie! I think that Josh is a highly under-rated actor, much like Edward Norton was before American History X, and also like actor Adrien Brody, and actor Ben Foster. I hope that this movie will help people to see that Josh is a very good actor! If you watch Dawson's creek, you will see that Josh's role as Pacey Witter has become less of Dawson's sidekick this season, and that Josh is finally able to come through on the show. THE SKULLS is a great thriller! I think that for the most part the actors and actresses did a good job. Paul Walker was great! The skulls wasn't boring at all. The movie had some funny scenes, Luke's (The guy that Josh played) old friends were sour, though, I think that they should have been left out of the movie! I did have a problem with once scene in the movie, the scene where Luke is running and he ends up in an alley, and these bad guys in a costly car are following him, how did Luke's friends know that he was going to be chased? How did they know he was going to end up in an alley? They jumped down on the bad guys like they KNEW Luke was going to run through that particular alley!
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