A Short Story (1993)
A girl comes to terms with being short
12 November 2000
A young girl, Sylvie, realizes early in her life that she is small for her age. Her entire family is quite petite, so she takes her lack of height in stride. However, she is the eldest of three children, and when her "little" sister and brother pass her in height she has a crisis. She tries many things to increase her height, from hanging from a jungle gym to high-heeled shoes, but eventually comes to terms with the fact that she will always be tiny. But she joins a club for small people, a covert society that is slowly "adjusting" the world to make it more accessible to people like herself.

This tongue-in-cheek cartoon is an amusing story about a young girl who comes to terms with her short stature. At the end of the movie, an adult Sylvie and three other petite people sit at a table (with chairs that are right for them) as the screen shows the disclaimer, "Any similarity between persons living or dead is entirely coincidental." Uhh... yeah, right. Is that why the main character has the same name as the creator of the film? ;o)
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