Review of Dark Passion

Dark Passion (1998)
Looking for a mindless erotic thriller? You could do worse than this
16 May 2001
Kudos from the outset to the writer and director for keeping this one in familiar territory. The plot is pretty simple: young out-of-work stud finds job at posh mansion owned by wealthy jerk with lonely wife. Add adultery, murder and a couple of red herrings, shake gently, roll the credits.

The women are, of course, the attraction here. All handle their respective roles well. In point of fact, they could each have pulled off the other roles. In any event, they are the stars, and the cameraman knows it.

The men are, as men usually are in these movies, slightly dense and pretty much self-serving. The hubby isn't happy being married and chases after the maid. The stud not only goes running after the wife, and eventually the daughter from the hubby's previous marriage, but has a very entertaining fantasy in which all three women jump in bed with him (Yeah, that was germane to the plot). Neither man sees the swerves and dangers right in front of them. Oh well, why spoil a good ride.

In short, "Vipers" is a basic tale of lust, greed and double-cross. It leans toward film noir, but lacks the dark texture. The scenery is great, especially Shayna Ryan. It is worth a look if you're in the mood for escapist entertainment that doesn't tax the brain cells.
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