A True Bumbling Tragedy of a Film
10 June 2001
My, my, my, if only there was something below a rating of 1. I am, admittedly, not a student of the Bible, so I can only offer my opinion of "The Omega Code" as a stand-alone film. And that opinion is low indeed. From the start, Omega Code is obviously a religiously centered movie, and yet it seems to want so bad to be secular. Slick camera shots, two big name leads, and the "action flick" format seem to scream "Look at us! We're making a secular film with Christian subject matter! We've done the impossible!" But rather than intelligently weaving religious aspects into an already strong movie, the filmmakers seem to treat the mainstream and biblical elements of Omega Code like the hot and cold water in a broken gas station sink. Sometimes it'll be hot, sometimes cold, but never properly mixed. And in this case, neither are well executed separately either. So we're left with a motion picture that spends half its time on mind-numbingly boring biblical diatribe and the other half on mind-numbingly boring hackneyed action scenes. Don't get me wrong. "The Ten Commandments" among other films has proven that the words of the Bible don't have to be boring. But in this film, boring is all they can hope to be. In fact boring is the operative word in this flick. Boring boring boring. So boring, that even when attempting to lampoon it with a friend of mine, we were quickly silenced by the sheer mesmerizing tedium taking place on screen. How could a movie with so many explosions be so boring? I'll tell you how. 1) It doesn't respect its audience. 2) It was ill structured and ill conceived. 3) It was clearly written by a mentally-challenged orangutan. Final thoughts? This thing makes "Batman and Robin" look like "The Sting".
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