Review of Conamara

Conamara (2000)
Boring. Could have been nice, though.
11 September 2000
Well, this is a german film set in Ireland. This means that several flat characters meet and have sex while regretting it. In fact, the irish background is - unfortunately - completely exchangeable and atypical. I know Ireland more than very well and I assure all viewers of this movie that there are better ways to get a real view on Ireland. To get to the plot: The woman, who has found a new life and then is surprisingly found by some incredibly boring ex, has a problem. She is being seduced to throw away all she built up in the last years to start another new life with I.C.Wiener. This classical conflict could have been set in scene much more dramatic, but instead, a boring little movie about some folks was made that is taking all its qualities by those little "typical irish ways" - which aren't there! So, the plan backfired (both in the plot as well as in the production company) and now it's back to the drawing board. In my humble opinion, the (irish, I suppose) director, who seems to have worked a lot in Germany, should get out of the bad influence over here and find his irish roots. I know they're there. The production company BojeBuck should go back to its roots as well and do films that they can manage. Up to now, they did pretty well, actually. So, if you still can, try to enjoy.
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