Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (2000 Video Game)
Tired formula, laughable "horror", awkward gameplay
22 October 2001
After having played the new Playstation 2 version of this game (said to be identical to the Dreamcast version), I'm once again amazed that the Resident Evil series has gained so much popularity over the past five years. This game, like the previous two sequels, offers almost nothing new to what was a mediocre formula to begin with.

For starters, the new next-generation graphics are pretty underwhelming. Character models aren't nearly as impressive as in many other PS 2 games, and despite the move to real-time backgrounds, the camera is still mostly fixed in one position - usually an awkward position at that. The control is as unintuitive and clunky as ever; controlling a character feels more like driving a tank, and the bad camera angles couple with this to make fighting enemies more of a chore than any real fun.

Why the Resident Evil games are considered "horror" is anybody's guess. Play one of the Silent Hill games if you want REAL horror - Code Veronica is the usual collection of moaning zombies, B-movie mutants and "scares" that come mostly from things jumping out at you. What's worse is that you can usually predict when and where these "unexpected" thrills will happen - for example, say you pass through a suspiciously empty room, and then find a required item in the next area. You can bet that when you go back again, you'll be attacked by something.

Five years ago Resident Evil was a new and fresh idea, if not terribly well-executed. Flash ahead to the present, and Capcom is still pawning the same tired gameplay off on us and offering almost nothing fresh or innovative. The Playstation 2 has and will continue to be flooded with far, far better games than this one.
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