An all around great Saturday morning cartoon,that was sadly cut off too soon.
5 September 2003
This cartoon was one of my childhood favorites,along with Muppet Babies,Garfield,Dungeons and Dragons,and The Real Ghostbusters.There is many others,but it would take too long to list.Here's why I like the show so much and what I remember about it.Its about two teen, exchange students from Earth,named Aimee and Doyle.They are going to attend a highschool on another planet,called Galaxy High.Doyle was a cool, blond headed student on Earth,and very popular.Aimee was kind of a wall flower,who was quiet and kept to herself.I guess she wasn't really anything special to the human students on Earth.And Doyle didn't seem to care too much about his grades or learning,just about girls and basketball.Well,the next thing you know,the red, royal carpet is rolled out for Aimee and she's treated like a queen.She is well liked by everyone,and she even gets a brand, new space vehicle.Doyle on the other hand,gets treated like crap by most of the aliens,including many of his teachers.All he gets is a stupid,wussy space scooter for kids.And many of the aliens laugh and make fun of him because of it.He finds out later from Milo De Venus,a six armed nerd with glasses,that they treat the girls better here than they do boys.Milo is one of the first aliens to become friends with him.The whole "We treat only certain people better,because of their gender",is a sexist idealism that has existed in a lot of schools for many years;most treating guys better than girls.Which is where the show got its idea from,reversing the roles so to speak.But you can't help but feel sorry for Doyle,because he's being treated unfairly by the school.It makes you wonder why he didn't try to go home,but then there wouldn't be a show.He does need a kick in the a%&,to make him do his school work though.Aimee also gets the last and only talking locker,that likes humans.Doyle gets stuck with a rude,human hating locker that gives him a hard time,and b@#$%^s about every little thing he despises.Man,I kind of thought that locker really needed some Midol and Prozac,it was so irritable.Doyle decides to make the most of it by having to work at Bouncing Luigi's Pizza,and saving the money to get a real space vehicle;eventually.Aimee on the other hand joins a cool clique of female students,named Wendy,Buoy,and Gilda.Wendy Garbo is a vamp female alien,who looks like your modern,stereotypical martian; complete with green skin and pointy ears.She's pretty though,with a suave sounding voice.She wears a long fur stole,that resembles a Siamese cat thats actually alive!Then there's Buoy Bubblehead,who isn't the brightest person in the world.She's more or less the dingbat of the group.She looks like a fluid filled,yellow balloon with her brain showing.She has freckles on her face,wears a big ponytail,and she's kind of a plain Jane.And last but not least there's Gilda Gossip, who as you can tell by the name,gossips.And gossip away she does wether it involves a breakup,or a love triangle.She looks kind of like a pink octopus,only in reverse.Her tentacles are on top with her head,with red lips on them;I guess so she can talk away.They take her to this place in the space mall,to help her get an updated look,starting with her clothes.Some of the clothing the machine put on her, including the leopard costume,made me laugh it was so hilarious.Then she got a cool, metallic, blue dress that's real short and looks New Wave.She also has her long, brunette locks cut for a shorter hairdo,that looks chic.She even gets sprayed with a blue color,making Doyle I think jealous.All Doyle gets is a run in with the bullies,Beef Bunk and the Bunk Bunch.Beef is an ill tempered rooster,who hates Earth and has a chip on his shoulder about lots of things,including Doyle.He gets a thrill out of making Doyle miserable,and threatening him.His two buddies,Rotten Rolland and Eric Euucchh join in the browbeating.Rotten Rolland is an ugly looking,overall wearing,blob that has a thing for rotten eggs.In fact he does look like rotten scrambled eggs..And Eric is a grouchy,slimy space slug that always gets stepped on by Doyle.Beef has a crush on Amiee,but she always tells him off.Some of the other characters include,the Creep who looks like a puffy, white cloud with big feet,wings,and the voice of a lounge singer.He always seems to sing many times about people,and stuff going on.He too has a crush on Aimee,and she nearly got stuck with him, because of his chain of love.Thankfully,the hairstylist cut it off for her.Don't stare at the screen like that,its not what you think.Its an actual chain made with hearts on it,not anything dirty.Then Ms.Mcbrain is a gigantic, green brain with eyes,who has kind of given Doyle a hard time.She's the school principal,and has punished the Bunk Bunch for their evil deeds.There's coach Frogface,who croaks a lot,and catches flies.He looks like the creature from the Black Lagoon.Then there's the female coach who's a Centaur,and I can't remember her name.There's Professor Iceinstien,Doyle's science teacher,who has to have the room at freezing temperatures or he'll melt.He's made of frozen water,and hasn't been too harsh on Doyle.Everyone has to wear jackets or coats because of the room being an ice box.Then there's Flat Freddy,a red headed, freckle faced boy who's flat.He too becomes one of Doyle's good friends.He can flatten himself to get out of tight places.Then another character who was very popular with the students,but was gone on a long hiatus was Reggie;a half human half motorcycle.He maybe rich in money and looks,but he's really whiny and immature.He not only develops a crush on Aimee,but acts like she's a possession that can be bought and owned.Another alien creature,who's name I can't remember was a large, cat like creature who wore glasses and Hawaiian shirts.He came to Galaxy High because of being expelled from other schools,as a result of playing pranks.He also became one of Doyle's good friends,but it was short lived because he had to leave.Then there's the mutant bulldog,who looks like a puppy,but changes into a giant monster when angered.Then there's the wacky, married couple that Doyle always runs into,who has tubes connecting to each other.They always fight and argue.Last but not least is Bouy's crush,the famous alien rockstar who's like Mc Jagger.His name even sounds like Mc Jagger,but I don't remember what it is.And the least memorable is Bouncing Luigi,who owned the pizza place,bounced and yelled at Doyle.And not much else.It's a real shame that the show didn't get a second or third season,it was a really good show.I have many favorite episodes,like Martian Mumps,Pizza's Honor and many others whose names I can't remember.As I said before,not everyone was mean to Doyle.He and Aimee are some what friends.Gilda Gossip has a crush on him,and loves smooching on him.And I don't think the others in clique hate him,I think they kind of treat him like another classmate.And so did the Creep.I'd like to say I wish they have a new series to put it back on,but it wouldn't be a good idea.It might be overrun with toilet humor,something this show never had.They might do a hack job to the characters,and their personalities.They might make the show too nice and saccharine sweet,and make Doyle and Milo too hip and perfect.I wouldn't mind finally seeing a movie made based on the show,as long as they don't do what I mentioned above.Tim Burton,if you ever read this here is an idea for a great movie.Making one based on this show,because I know you'll add the right touch.Please Mr. Burton,do it for the show and do it for the fans.
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