A waste of time, space and ideas
14 November 2003
The first Matrix was excellent. It took an interesting philosophical concept and rendered it into a film which was interesting and entertaining.

In this sequel the whole philosophical aspect just loses itself in it's own existentialism. Ending up in a classic case of style over content we see too many scenes of pure CGI that are all about 10 minutes too long.

It just screams out that the film makers are doing nothing more than stretching out the thin idea to create a trilogy (all the cool film series are trilogies don't you know?)

The Matrix was kind of a Sophie's World for cinema (a nice introduction to basic philosophical ideas) but one film does it unless you actually know something about this stuff and these film makers obviously don't.

It's a shame that the 1st film is so sullied by this piece of money grubbing rubbish.
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