Happenstance (2000)
A lesson in mediocrity
5 November 2003
A film like this, with the right production team, could have been another Moonstruck, although certainly of a lesser caliber. Instead, we get a lot of overlapping scenes falling together at will. What this movie needed was some magic dust from the very beginning, and the radiance only that magic could have brought to it.

When all is said and done, we have been through the disappointment of watching what could have been a much better movie falter. Some of the serious failings include unnecessary nudity in a movie that could have easily been popular with a younger crowd who were kept away by its rating. How the producers failed to see the potential this had as a family film is beyond my understanding. I imagine they lost a lot of money by misjudging their audience. But even if all of the above had been handled better or differently, the direction, along with the bleak settings and uninspired lighting would still weigh the film down.

I am rarely as disappointed as when I see what could have been a good project succumb to mediocrity, and this movie is so immersed in it that even the actors do not escape its pall. My suggestion? Don't rent it; wait until it comes on TV.
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