Review of Kalibre 35

Kalibre 35 (2000)
Lousy, Lousy, Lousy
5 April 2003
How sad to see a movie that obviously took a lot of suffering to get made fall flat on its face like this. This is another one of those films made with the dumb pretension of "reinventing" colombian cinema which then revels on the flaws it's trying so hard to correct. There's a story here, obviously, but it gets lost in the director's pretentious attempts to make a commercial, yet intellectual, "art" film. The editing is pathetic, music-video like, and its portrayal of young colombian filmmakers is insulting: They`re seen here as a generation of arrogant, drug-addicted airheads; terrible writing, self-indulgent amateurish directing, and some of the worst performances seen by an entire cast in the entire history of Colombian cinema, kill this project, wich is no doubt, a labour of love. But then again, if the director loves his project, ¿Why the hell does he cast actors that have proven an absolute lack of talent like Juanita Acosta and Juan Carlos Vargas? Make no mistake, this is a really bad movie filled with good intentions, spoiled by the lack of confidence and honesty of its director. Shame.
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