The ultimate in being let down......
28 April 2001
I have previously loved Carman's music and tours etc. I first commented on this movie giving it praises. I had not yet seen it. I was going off of what TBN was saying. I even went out of my way to go see it the first day it came out. I really hyped this movie and the "wholesome value" it was going to have so that you could take your family to see it etc. I again was going off of what TBN was saying. I was utterly disappointed when there was a curse word in the movie and it was made into a joke. The movie no more centered on God than did any other movie showing at that time. It turned out to be more about Carman showing his half naked body and him trying to get the girl while getting revenge for his dad. None of these themes appeared righteous to me. I wrote both Carman Ministries and TBN on these issues. They had no response for me though. I made the mistake of just trusting what they were saying. I forgot to remember that they are only human too. I was very disappointed with the movie overall though. My family personally felt that the devil won out on this one. Most of our friends and family that went to see it were equally disappointed. The only ones who seemed to not be disappointed were the ones who went to see more of Carman and his body. It is extremely sad to see people who have been so gung-ho for God be influenced in such devilish ways and not realize it or just not have remorse for it. I pray that this venture for both ministries was nothing but a short lived influence. I have had to counsel several fellow Christians on being righteous. Several of them started to justify that if these "terrific" ministries were doing and allowing these things that it must be ok. Sad. Very sad.
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