Has some good moments...
10 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of "Black Adder" yet I hate with a passion "Mr. Bean." This film has elements of both, but seems, at least for me, to be heavy on the former. The plot is completely absurd and completely appropriate.

The slapstick moments don't work too well since Rowan Atkinson isn't an action star (which is why I hate "Mr. Bean'). It's what happens after the action that got the most laughs from me. SPOILER: There is a "sketch" involving Our Hero using truth serum in one weapon and a super muscle relaxer in another. Unfortunately, the weapons are identical. The results are very funny, just not laugh out loud funny.

John English's character is best described as a retarded Inspector Clouseau. Clouseau's superior's lack of confidence - largely undeserved - English more than makes up in near-total incompetence. English is a lot luckier, though.

I am glad I didn't spend $20 (me and my date) to see the movie at the theater. It's not worth it. But it's not too painful a DVD rental, provided you don't pay more than $3.50 for it. See it once.
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